
Euphronios download
Euphronios download

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Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae (LIMC). "The Literate Potter: A Tradition of Incised Signatures on Attic Vases." Metropolitan Museum Journal, 26: pp. Cohen, Beth and University of Chicago Press. "Aspects of Onesimos." Greek Art, Archaic into Classical: A Symposium Held at the University of Cincinnati, April 2-3, 1982, Cedric G. "Herakles und Theseus auf Vasen in Malibu." Greek Vases in the J. 8, Rouen: Universités de Rouen et du Havre. "Herakles, Peisistratos and the Alcmeonids." Image et Céramique Grecque: Actes du Colloque de Rouen, 25-26 Novembre 1982, Francois Lissarrague and Françoise Thelamon, eds. "A White-Ground Cup by Euphronios." Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, 76. Paralipomena: Additions to Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters and to Attic Red-Figure Vase-Painters. Attic Red-Figured Vases: A Survey, Revised Edition, 2nd edn. 54d, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press. 37–39, 179, New Haven: Yale University Press. Red-Figured Athenian Vases in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. 74, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. "Notes: The Euphronios Kylix." Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 19(3): p. 58, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Vases." Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 8(7): pp. "Department of Classical Art: The Accessions of 1912.

Euphronios download